Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Yves Camdeborde - L'Avant-comptoir

In the previous post, we talked about the incredible foie-gras macaron from Mugaritz in which the biscuit was made of pig's blood in lieu of egg white. I thought it would be interesting to dig out the following blood sausage macaron from the talented Yves Camdeborde, sometimes called the father of bistronomy (or was it Michel Picquart from le Villaret?...). This macaron although not as subtle or sophisticated as the previous one is nevertheless tasty and comforting especially with a glass of red.

L'avant-comptoir where you can get this macaron is a merry and crowded place (no sittings!). There you can get a glass of wine with a few mouth-watering nibbles while you wait for a seat (or not) at the Bearnese Chef's restaurant next door .

A go-to place at any time of the day or night!

Blood sausage and Espelette pepper macaron

3 Carrefour de l'Odéon
75006 Paris, France
+33 1 44 27 07 97

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